Figure 3 NHP and Human Ileal Absorptive Enterocytes Co-Express ACE2 and TMPRSS2 (A) Expression ACE2 across diverse tissues in healthy NHPs (n = 3 animals; 52,858 cells). (B) Schematic of protocol for isolation of NHP ileum (n = 5) at necropsy for scRNA-seq using Seq-Well v1, and computational pipeline to identify cell types by using unbiased methods. Shown on the right is a UMAP projection of 4,515 cells colored by cell type. (C) Dot plot of 2 defining genes for each cell type, with ACE2 and TMPRSS2. Dot size represents fraction of cells within cell type expressing a given gene, and color intensity represents binned count-based expression amounts (log(scaled UMI+1)) among expressing cells. All cluster defining genes are provided in Table S4. Red arrow indicates cell type with largest proportion of ACE2+TMPRSS2+ cells. (D) Schematic of protocol for isolation of human ileal cells from endoscopic pinch biopsies in non-inflamed regions (n = 13). Shown on the right is a tSNE plot of 13,689 epithelial cells selected from original dataset generated by 10x 3′ v2 (see Figure S2), colored by cellular subsets. (E). Dot plot of 2 defining genes for each cell type, with ACE2 and TMPRSS2. Dot size represents fraction of cells within cell type expressing a given gene, and color intensity represents binned count-based expression amounts (log(scaled UMI+1)) among expressing cells. All cluster defining genes are provided in Table S5. Red arrow indicates cell type with largest proportion of ACE2+TMPRSS2+ cells. (F). Expression of ACE2 (left) and TMPRSS2 (right) among all epithelial subsets from human donors. See also Figure S2 and Tables S4 and S5.