Document S1. Author contributions Table S1 Statistics and Gene Lists Related to Figure 1 (Non-Human Primate Lung) A. Cluster defining genes for cell types presented in Figure 1. B. ACE2 and TMPRSS2 statistics by cell type. C. Differentially expressed genes between ACE2+ and ACE2- Type II Pneumocytes. Table S2 Statistics and Gene Lists Related to Figure 2 (Human Lung) A. Cluster defining genes for cell types presented in Figure 2. B. ACE2 and TMPRSS2 statistics by cell type. C. Differentially expressed genes between ACE2+TMPRSS2+ versus rest Type II Pneumocytes. Table S3 Statistics and Gene Lists Related to STAR Methods and Figure S1 (NHP Tuberculosis Infected Lung and Granuloma) A. Cluster defining genes for cell types presented in Figure S1 B. ACE2 and TMPRSS2 statistics by cell type C. Abundances of ACE2+TMPRSS2+ cells by cell type and tissue of origin D. Differentially expressed genes between ACE2+TMPRSS2+ versus rest Type II Pneumocytes Table S4 Statistics and Gene Lists Related to Figure 3 (Non-Human Primate Ileum) A. Cluster defining genes for cell types presented in Figure 3B B. ACE2 and TMPRSS2 statistics by cell type. C. Differentially expressed genes between ACE2+TMPRSS2+ versus rest Absorptive Enterocytes Table S5 Statistics and Gene Lists Related to Figure 3 (Human Ileum) A. Cluster defining genes for cell types presented in Figure 3D B. ACE2 and TMPRSS2 statistics by cell type. C. Differentially expressed genes between ACE2+TMPRSS2+ Absorptive Enterocytes versus rest Enterocytes D. Differentially expressed genes between ACE2+TMPRSS2+ Absorptive Enterocytes versus rest Absorptive Enterocytes Table S6 Statistics and Gene Lists Related to Figure 4 and 5 (Human Nasal Mucosa and Human Influenza) A. ACE2 and TMPRSS2 statistics by cell type presented in Figure 4B. B. Cluster defining genes for cell types presented in Figure 4C and 4D. C. Cluster defining genes for cell types presented in Figure 4C and 4F. D. ACE2 and TMPRSS2 statistics by cell type presented in Figure 4C. E. ACE2 and TMPRSS2 statistics by cell type presented in Figure 4D. F. Differentially expressed genes between ACE2+TMPRSS2+ epithelial cells versus rest epithelial cells in Figure 4E G. Differentially expressed genes between ACE2+TMPRSS2+ epithelial cells versus rest secretory epithelial cells in Figure 4E H. Raw data for cell type abundances by tissue and disease, Figure 4H I. Differentially expressed genes between ACE2+TMPRSS2+ versus Goblet Cells from Human Influenza dataset (Figure 6E-G). Table S7 Differentially Expressed Genes in Human and Mouse Basal Epithelial Cells Treated with Various Cytokines and Interferons, Related to Figure 5 A. Mouse Untreated versus IFNβ B. Mouse Untreated versus IFNα2 C. Mouse Untreated versus IFNγ D. BEAS-2B Untreated versus IL4 E. BEAS-2B Untreated versus IL17A F. BEAS-2B Untreated versus IFNγ G. BEAS-2B Untreated versus IFNα2 H. Human Donor 1 Untreated versus IL4 I. Human Donor 1 Untreated versus IL17A J. Human Donor 1 Untreated versus IFNγ K. Human Donor 1 Untreated versus IFNα2 L. Human Donor 2 Untreated versus IL4 M. Human Donor 2 Untreated versus IL17A N. Human Donor 2 Untreated versus IFNγ O. Human Donor 2 Untreated versus IFNα2 Table S8 Statistics and Gene Lists Related to Figure 6 and Figure S5 (Mouse Nasal Epithelium) A. Cluster defining genes for cell types presented in Figure 6A B. Ace2 and Tmprss2 statistics by cell type C. Differentially expressed genes among Basal Epithelial Cells treated with Saline versus Intranasal IFNα Table S9 Summary of Datasets Analyzed in this Study with Links to Data, Related to STAR Methods