Libraries corresponding to 10 animals (variable number of tissues/animal) were sequenced using Illumina NovaSeq S2. Data was aligned using the Dropseq-tools pipeline on Terra ( to M. fascicularis reference genome assembly 5, annotation version 101. Clustering was performed using Leiden clustering in the Scanpy ( package (Wolf et al., 2018). Cell type labels were assigned using known marker genes. In this analysis, we include all epithelial cell subsets (secretory, multiciliated, type II pneumocytes, and type I pneumocytes) from all samples. Differential expression between ACE2 + TMPRSS2 + cells and other cells of the matched cell subtype (e.g., Secretory Cells) were performed using the “bimod” likelihood-ratio test within each cell subtype and filtered on Benjamini-Hochberg-corrected p value < 0.05. Expression data for epithelial cells included in this dataset can be visualized and downloaded here: