Next, to illustrate the mechanism of QFPD against COVID-19, a formula-attacked target-KEGG pathway network was constructed (Fig. 12 ). This network showed that MSXG, SGMH, XCH, WLS and Others interacted with 8 drug-attacked nodes (Cdc20, Ido1, Ifng, Il10, Il6, Ptger4, Spi1, Tnf), and 24 drug-attacked nodes in the COVID-19 network were related to Graft-versus-host disease, cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, asthma, influenza A, inflammatory bowel disease, JAK-STAT signaling, etc. Fig. 12 Disturbance analysis of QFPD for COVID-19 network. A: Venn diagram of the five formulae’ attacked targets. B: Formula-attacked target-KEGG pathway network; green square: formula, yellow diamond: attacked target, red circle: KEGG pathways. The bigger the size of the nodes is, the higher the degree is. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)