In this study, we used available immunoinformatics approaches for the purpose to prioritize potential vaccine candidates against COVID-19 considering their ease of use in experimental investigations. Bearing in mind, the wide immunological applications of peptide vaccines only highly antigenic, virulent, conserved and non-allergic epitopes targeted by both B and T-cells were disclosed. A multi-epitope peptide was constructed and an appropriate adjuvant was added to allow suitable delivery and efficient immune processing of the epitopes. These promising computational findings might deliver preliminary epitopes set for a vaccine against the COVID-19 notwithstanding the experimental testing in appropriate animal models to unravel real effectiveness. Meanwhile, probable prevention discussed in this study for Homo sapiens is to avoid becoming a reason for the extinction of various species either by hunting and/or over utilizing other mammals as this may be a reason for resistance both from microbes and other animal species of this kingdom. There must be strategic studies keeping in view the advancements in defense mechanism of avian and avian related microbes avenging humans. Preventive use of animals or avian in human diet and avoiding hunting can be preventive options for self-defense in this connection and/or maintenance of a balanced ecosystem should be reinvestigated.