After performing the immune system simulation to MEPVC and a thorough peptide dynamics analysis, a novel MEPVC is proposed as a probable solution to the widely spread viral coronaviruses outbreak. Meanwhile, this seems necessary to have a deep down lesson as COVID-19 viral outbreak is propagating to the human species on this part of the universe called Earth. As we are already living under a serious threat of antibiotic and antimicrobial resistance [88] which if ignored can cause havoc and the current spread of COVID-19 is a clear example of even a viral resistance coming in line. Referring to the introduction section where the probable cause of this viral attack is discussed, this is mandatory to mention that there is retaliation from animals and animal-associated viruses or bacteria observed against Homo sapiens quite frequently in the recent past [89]. This not only alarms the way of consuming animals in our food in the form of livestock but at the same time explains the advancing defense system of various species around. Either it is horizontal gene transfer among bacteria or transient nature of viral transmission throughout the world as one way or the other this is a form of advanced defense of organisms. It is meant to state that even before and after the Cognitive Revolution, Homo sapiens cannot be exempted from biological laws. While considering under the realm of these biological laws this is much expected from all other species to have the right of keeping and exercising a defense mechanism [90]. Instead of spending on wars among humans there is a dire need to be equipped for all wars to come against human species under the disguise of either environmental hazards or antimicrobial resistance. Even viruses are finding new ways of infecting hosts. Under this perspective the role of avian has been observed as much dominating in the recent past [91]. After having insights from comparative advancing mechanism we mention here and thereafter the preliminary existence of a “Theory of Retaliation” on the basis of currently available facts and observations. This theory of retaliation will play its role in coming future. The continuous attacks in the form of outbreaks by them have raised many challenges and threats to human beings. A recent mechanism study by Bazel et al reported H5N1 influenza viruses is posing threat to human and animal health and is currently unclear what restricts these interspecies jumps on the host side. It is further signified that PB1-F2 (a short viral peptide) assists H5N1 bird influenza viruses to overcome a human restriction factor of the viral polymerase complex HAX-1. It is also evidenced that a functional PB1-F2 aids in direct transmission of viruses from birds to humans [92]. Additionally, there is already a mechanism existing for the antimicrobial defense of avian eggs which illustrates their efficacy in defense mechanisms [93]. Furthermore, discovery of avian antimicrobial peptides, classified as B-defensins, present in chicken and turkey found active against bacteria, fungi, and yeast. This is another example of advance mechanism showed by avian and the possibility of a common ancestral gene between avian and other mammalian peptides seems obvious [94]. WHO alarmed quite often that influenza viruses with a vast silent reservoir in aquatic birds are impossible to eradicate while avian influenza is proved to be a threat to human health [95]. Even having the phylogenetic identity between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV, some clinical characteristics differentiate SARS-CoV-2 from SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and seasonal influenza infections [2,96]. This leads to the fact that viruses are attacking humans with different clinical features every time. The complex relationships between the human and animal species never faced a halt in evolving giving rise to numerous infectious pathogens. Whatsoever is the case, the dramatic impact of infectious diseases affecting the modern human population worldwide is evident and unexpected rise of coronavirus infections raised to 100000 while writing this research and getting beyond the normal control ( After all we belong to the kingdom Animalia with even ten on ten embarrassing similarities to chimpanzees [97]. Probable prevention in this context is to somehow avoid the excruciating utilization and consumption of other mammals as edibles from Homo sapiens and stop becoming a reason for the extinction of certain species. Avenging from these species from time to time by utilizing the microbes associated with them against human has become obvious and vaccine design and discovery is of utmost importance. This is crucial to strategize a preventive control not only for symptomatic relief but in general taking steps to prevent hunting and strategy required to maintain a balanced ecosystem where specifically avian will not dwell under threat by sapiens. The advent of various new mechanisms of viral survival has remained sapiens perplexed and a broader strategy is required to circumvent this problem.