3.13 Analysis of Salt bridges In a protein molecule, salt bridges are formed between charged side chains of amino acids at neutral pH. The residues mainly involved in these interactions include negative full electron charge glutamine and aspartate and opposite positive full electron charge arginine and lysine [87]. The presence of salt bridges between the interacting molecules is a clear sign of strengthening interaction stability. For TLR3-MEPVC complex high numbers of salt bridges were estimated within 3.2 Å between receptor Glu8, Glu276, Arg306, Glu333 with MEPVC Lys3, Lys8, Glu83, Arg16, respectively. In case of TLR4-MEPVC complex, receptor residues Arg646, Asp268, Arg1396 are involved in salt bridging with Asp146, Arg175 and Glu184 of the MEPVC, respectively.