3.10 Computational Immune Simulation The dynamic simulations of the human immune system in response to the designed vaccine construct were deciphered through C-immsim server [40]. The vaccine construct upon administration revealed to generate robust primary immune responses. As can be seen in Figure 9A that combine IgM and IgG antibodies has a titer scale close to 10,000/ml followed by IgM antibody (> 6000 antibody titer per ml). The combined IgG1 and IgG2 and IgG1 were seen to generate high titer scale of around 6300/ml, 3100/ml, and respectively. The IgG2 antibody response revealed to be low throughout post vaccine administration period. The dimerized soluble cytokine IFN-g produced against the antigen is > 400000 ng/ml (Figure 9B). Fig. 9 In silico simulation of the host immune system using MEPVS as an antigen. A. Antibodies titer (A) and cytokines and interleukins (B) in response to the antigen.