• A novel multi-epitope based chimeric vaccine is designed for coronavirus disease (COVID-19). • Nsp8, 3C-like proteinase, and spike glycoprotein are potential targets for immune responses to COVID-19. • Two epitopes: DRDAAMQRK and QARSEDKRA are predicted for Nsp8. • EDMLNPNYEDL and EFTPFDVVR epitopes are revealed for 3C-like proteinase. • Spike glycoprotein harbored one potential “VNNSYECDIPI” epitope. • A chimeric construct of the epitopes has high binding affinity for innate immune receptors. • Robust primary immune responses to the contrast are found. • The construct-immune receptors complexes are dynamically stable. • Vigorous molecular mechanics and solvation energy were observed in the complexes.