2.5 MEPVC Immune Simulation In this step, the vaccine construct underwent immune response profiling and immunogenicity classification, which was done using the C-ImmSim server [40]. In order to predict the immune epitopes, a position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) employed by C-ImmSim was used. Whereas, the different machine learning procedures were used to forecast the immune connections. This server is concurrently used to execute an immune simulation for 3 compartments such as bone marrow, tertiary lymph nodes, and thymus [41]. Default simulation parameters were used which are as follows: random seed (12345), simulation steps (100), simulation volume (10), host HLA selection (A MHC class I A0101 allele, B MHC class I B0702, DR MHC class II DRB1_0101 allele), and time step of injection was set to 1.