6.11 SARS-CoV-2 – tuberculosis A study was conducted in February 2020, Shenyang, China, which involved 36 COVID-19 positive patients and was classified based on the severity of the symptoms as mild and critical. The results of these patients were compared with that of the patients affected by pneumonia caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Shenyang chest hospital. The study was conducted to determine which one caused severe pneumonia, either the viral or the bacterial strain. Then the severity of tuberculosis was compared between the mild and severe COVID-19 cases and confirmed that tuberculosis due to mycobacterial strain affected patients are more susceptible to COVID-19 and enhance the severity of COVID-19 [124]. Patients with HIV undergoing treatment with antiretroviral medicines exhibit weak immune systems and are more susceptible to viral infections. Also, until now, only one HIV case had been reported with COVID-19 infection from china. The patient recovered from the infection the same as that of those without HIV. There is no evidence on whether HIV patients are more susceptible to COVID-19 infection [125]. The COVID-19 associated TB is found in 94th day of the nonexistence of public health interventions and 138th day in the occurrence of interventions. This occurs at the peak of an outbreak where the implementation of the intervention, out of it 11,066, is with the presence of interventions. 27,968 COVID-19 cases found in the absence of interventions, out of it 14,823, are with no interventions. This scenario shows that there is a need to take preventive measures of TB associated with COVID-19 patients. They need a prior diagnosis and proper management [126]. The main reasons for mortality are age, sex, and other co-morbid factors such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and renal diseases are the main reasons for mortality.