The major limitation of our study is that our series comes from a retrospective evaluation, which is certainly susceptible to selection bias. Moreover, the small sample size and the short-term follow-up did not allow us to draw any conclusions on hard endpoints. The correct antiplatelet/anticoagulant therapy in the prothrombotic state related to COVID infection remains a matter of concern; in our study, the use of glycloprotein IIb/IIIa was low in both groups, whereas cangrelor infusions were used more often in the 2020 group. A larger sample size, including more hospitals and multiple inter-year and intra-year control periods, certainly would have improved the statistical power of our findings, but the reduction of hospitalizations for ACS during the first 3 months of the Italian lockdown has been confirmed by our recently published large North Italian registry.1 "Stay home" is an important message to contain spreading of the virus, but this message should be tempered by a clear exclusion of chest pain and other medical emergencies that still require rapid in-hospital treatment.