Parallelling what has been reported in influenza patients, we designed this prospective observational study to investigate IPA risk in critically ill patients with COVID-19. The patients were classified by means of the EORTC-MSG criteria5 (if immunocompromised) or the influenza-associated IPA criteria4 combined with serum β-D-glucan and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR)7 done in the serum or pulmonary specimens (if non-immunocompromised). Putative IPA was considered if Aspergillus spp were identified in BAL culture; or if two of the following conditions were met (ie, presence of Aspergillus spp in bronchial aspiration [BA] culture; positive Aspergillus fumigatus qPCR in BAL, BA, or serum;8 galactomannan index >0·8 in BAL;5 galactomannan index >0·5 in serum; and β-D-glucan >80 pg/mL in serum).