On hospital day 9, bronchoscopy was done with appropriate personal and environmental protection precautions for COVID-19, including intubation. The airways appeared normal without inflammation or secretions. The original right lower lobe opacity was targeted for biopsy, and radial endobronchial ultrasound was used to select the airways leading directly to the lesion (figure 1F). Transbronchial lung biopsy and BAL were done in the right lower lobe lateral segment through the target airways. Appropriate specimens were sent for histopathological and cytological examinations and for routine bacterial, fungal, and mycobacterial cultures, and a BAL galactomannan assay. Validated testing of BAL for SARS-CoV-2 was unavailable, and thus a swab used for NP specimens was swirled in the BAL specimen and sent for RT-PCR.