Our study analyzed traffic volumes alongside trends in the spread of COVID-19 after the first COVID-19 patient in South Korea was detected. Traffic was analyzed in terms of the number of vehicles operating nationwide. The difference in nationwide traffic between 2019 and 2020 is displayed as ‘Traffic gap (2019 vs 2020)’ in Figure 4, corresponding to the gray shaded area. Figure 4 Traffic trends based on VDS in 2019 and 2020, and COVID-19 trends in 2020 by region. Data are presented from January 1 to March 31, 2020, on (a) national and (b–f) regional scales. The left y-axis corresponds to traffic and the right y-axis corresponds to the number of confirmed COVID-19 patients. The bold red line corresponds to the traffic trend curve for 2020, and January 19 indicates the first confirmed case in South Korea. The gray dotted line is the difference in traffic between 2019 and 2020, the blue data points are the newly confirmed COVID-19 cases, and the green data points are the cumulative numbers released from isolation.