Molecular modelling studies were performed using Hyperchem (, Deep View/Swiss-Pdb viewer ( and Molegro Molecular viewer ( as described previously [[16], [17], [18], [19],23]. Lennard-Jones parameters and atomic charges of ATM obtained from pdb file # 5UXD were checked with Hyperchem. The molecular modelling protocol consisted of docking, equilibration, and subsequent 50-ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with CHARMM force field [16,24] in Hyperchem. The starting point for ATM docking was done by manual positioning on the NTD and receptor-binding domain (RBD) surfaces of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (chain A) with full consideration of the properties of the drug. In addition, a series of 20 randomly positioned ATM molecules covering the whole NTD surface were analysed. Energy minimization of each system was then performed with the Polak-Ribière conjugate gradient algorithm, with CHARMM force field in Hyperchem, using a maximum of 3 × 105 steps, and a root-mean-square (RMS) gradient of 0.01 kcal. Å−1.mol−1 as the convergence condition. According to the validation ligand-binding protocol [25], the optimized docked structures were used as the initial structures for MD simulations with the following parameters: heat time 5 ps, run time 10 ps, step size 1 fs, starting temperature 0 K, simulation temperature 300 K, temperature step 30 K, bath relaxation time step size 0.1 ps. Each complex was submitted to 50-ns long MD trajectories, replicated three times, with convergent trajectories obtained. Frames were saved at 10 ns intervals for subsequent analysis. The final complex obtained with chain A was reintroduced in the trimeric spike structure (pdb file # 6VSB) with Molegro Molecular viewer and with Deep View Swiss-Pdb viewer. Similar results were obtained with both programs. The energies of interaction were extracted from the Ligand Energy Inspector function of Molegro Molecular viewer. Molecular volumes were calculated by the QSAR function of Hyperchem.