Dreher, 202068Aachen, GermanyDates:2/1/2020-3/1/2020Last follow-up:NR n = 50Survival: 14% died, 16% discharged, 70% still hospitalizedInclusion: Inpatients with laboratory confirmed COVID-19Age: median 65 y (IQR, 58–76 y)Sex: 34% femalesGI/liver comorbidities: chronic liver failure 8%, chronic hepatitis 10%Disease severity: 48% ARDS,52% non-ARDS Diarrhea: 16% (8/50)Present on admission6/24 ARDS, 2/26 non-ARDSNausea: 1/50Present on admission0/24 ARDS, 1/26 nonARDSVomiting: 2/50Present on admission1/24 ARDS, 1/26 non-ARDSStool PCR done in 15 patients and found positive in 2 patients with ARDS AST, ALT, and bilirubin: NR