Kujawski, 202057Center of Disease ControlCalifornia, Illinois, Arizona, Massachusetts, Washington, WisconsinDates: 1/20/2020-2/5/2020Last follow-up: 2/22/2020 n = 12Survival: 0% died, 8.3% hospitalized, 41.7% home isolation, 50% recovered.Inclusion: Patients under investigation who tested positive for COVID-19.Age: M 53 y (range, 21–68 y)Sex: 33.3% femalesGI/liver comorbidities: 8.3% HBV and 8.3% fatty liver disease.Disease severity: 5 outpatients and 7 inpatients. Diarrhea: 33.3% (4)8.3% (1) present on admission3 while on remdesivir (1 of tham had Giardia and C difficile). 1 patient had symptoms for 1 day then developed fever and cough.Nausea: 25% (3)8.3% (1) present on admissionAbdominal pain: 16.7% (2)Stool PCR positive in 70% (7/10) patients AST: 58.3% (7)M 129 (IQR, 46–190)ALT 58.3% (7)M 136 (IQR, 66–389)BilirubinNR