Arentz, 202075Evergreen Hospital (Kirkland)WashingtonDates: 2/20/2020-3/5/2020Last follow-up: 3/17/2020 n = 21Survival: 52.4% died, 9.5% out of IC, 38.1% still in ICU.Inclusion: Critically ill COVID-19 patients.Age: m 70 y (range, 43–92 y)Sex: 48% femalesGI/liver comorbidities: 4.8% cirrhosis, 9.5% solid organ transplantDisease severity: 100% critically ill Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain: NR AST m 273 (range, 14-4432)ALT m 108 (range, 11-1414)Bilirubin m 0.6 (range, 0.2-1.1)