Fu, 202065Chengdu Public Health Clinical Medical Center (Chengdu)SichuanDates: 1/1/2020-2/20/2020Last follow-up: 2/29/2020 n = 52Survival: 100% (excluded patients who were not discharged)Inclusion: Inpatients with COVID-19 confirmed by RT-PCR. Excluded patients who died or were not discharged.Age: M 44.5 y (IQR, 33.0–56.5 y)Sex: 46% femalesGI/liver comorbidities: NRDisease severity: common coronavirus pneumonia type 73.1%, severe 19.2%, critically severe 7.7% Diarrhea: 13.5% (7/52)Present on admissionNausea: 1.9 % (1/52)Present on admissionVomiting and abdominal pain: NR AST M 27 (IQR, 21.2–34.0)ALT M 24 (IQR, 15.3–49)Bilirubin 85 patients M 67.3 (IQR, 63.5–71.4)Patients with laboratory results on admission and discharge n = 23ASTOn presentation M 27 (IQR, 23–35)After discharge M 25 (IQR, 19–39)ALTOn presentation M 25 (IQR, 14–41)After discharge M 31 (IQR, 15–41)BilirubinOn presentation M 66 (IQR, 60–72)After discharge M 65 (IQR, 60–69