There are 2 published studies on favipiravir in COVID-19. The first is an open-label RCT for favipiravir vs arbidol conducted in Wuhan, China by Chen et al.92 This study reported digestive tract reactions, including nausea, “anti-acid,” or flatulence in 13.79% (16 of 116) of the favipiravir group. Hepatotoxicity characterized by any elevation in AST or ALT was reported in 7.76% (9 of 116). The second is an open-label control study of favipiravir or lopinavir/ritonavir, both used in conjunction with interferon alfa, for COVID-19 by Cai et al,93 which reported diarrhea in 5.7% (2 of 35) and liver injury in 2.9% (1 of 35) (Supplementary Tables 2 and 3).