While stool shedding has been reported in a prior meta-analysis in 48.1% of specimens, 2 small case series showed conflicting findings about the presence of living virus in stool.10 , 32 , 78 Therefore, stool infectivity and transmission have not been confirmed. Further studies are needed to determine whether isolated virus from stool specimens confers infectivity and determine the role of stool testing is in patients with COVID-19.5. In patients (outpatients or inpatients) with elevated LFTs in context of suspected or known COVID-19, evaluate for alternative etiologies. 6. In hospitalized patients with suspected or known COVID-19, obtain baseline LFTs at the time of admission and consider LFT monitoring throughout the hospitalization, particularly in the context of drug treatment for COVID-19. 7. In hospitalized patients undergoing drug treatment for COVID-19, evaluate for treatment-related Gl and hepatic adverse effects.