Ocular manifestations of COVID-19 are garnering increasing attention. Animal studies show ACE2 and transmembrane serine protease 2, both established receptors for this virus, are expressed in the conjunctiva, although to a lesser extent than in the kidneys and lungs, and lesser in females.46 A study reported conjunctivitis in as many as 31.6% patients, and more commonly in patients with severe disease.47 It has also been reported as the sole initial presentation.48 SARS CoV-2 has been isolated from conjunctival swabs in patients with ocular symptoms and reportedly detected for as many as 27 days after symptom onset.49 Interestingly, an animal model has also shown that the conjunctival route may lead to systemic infection as well, but viral replication in the conjunctiva and chances of virus release into the bloodstream are very low.50