Table 1 Pulmonary manifestations of SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and COVID-19. SARS (only studies with large study population included) Study Lee et al (2003)N = 138, confirmed casesRetrospective study Lang et al (2003)N = 3, confirmed casesClinicopathologic study Liu et al (2004)N = 53, confirmed casesRetrospective study Peiris et al (2003)N = 75, confirmed casesProspective study Clinical features • Preexisting chronic pulmonary disease (2.1%) • Fever (100%) • Cough (57.3%) • Sputum (29%) • Sore throat (23.2%) Coryza (22.5%) • Inspiratory crackles Fever (3/3)Dyspnea (3/3)Mildly productive cough (1/3)Death within 9-15 days of illness • Fever (98%) • Cough (68% on admission to isolation, 74% after hospitalization, 26% productive) 4.5 ± 1.9 days after fever onset • Dyspnea (40% on admission to isolation) • O2 saturation <90% on room air (51% on hospitalization, 11% on admission to isolation) • Fever (100%), recurred in 85% at mean 8.9 days • Cough (29%) • Spontaneous pneumomediastinum (12%) during follow-up • Sore throat (11%) • Shortness of breath (4%) • O2 saturation < 90% on room air (44mean 9.1 days after symptom onset) Key findings on investigations CXR• Consolidation (78.3% at fever onset, eventually 100%) • 54.6% unilateral, focal • 45.4% multifocal or bilateral • Peripheral zone predominant CT• Progression of chest CT infiltrates 7-10 days after admission, resolution with treatment • lll-defined peripheral GGO, usually subpleural • Leukopenia (2/3) • Lymphopenia (2/3) • CXR: Bilateral interstitial infiltrates • Abnormal CXR (59% on admission, 98% anytime) • 63% patients – first unifocal infiltrates at 4.5 ± 2.1 days • 37% patients - started as multifocal infiltrates at 5.8 ± 1.3 days after fever onset Initial CXR abnormal: 71%• One lung zone: 49% • Multizonal: 21% Chest CT abnormal (55% of 33)• One lobe: 55% • Multilobar: 46% • Focal ground-glass opacification: 24% • Consolidation: 36% • Both: 39% Radiologic worsening in 80% at mean 7.4 days Histopathology • Gross: Lung consolidation • Early phase: Pulmonary edema with hyaline membrane formation • Organizing phase: Cellular fibromyxoid organizing exudates in alveoli • Scanty lymphocytic interstitial infiltrate • Vacuolated and multinucleated pneumocytes • Viral inclusions not detected. • Gross: Diffuse hemorrhage on lung surface • Serous, fibrinous and hemorrhagic inflammation in alveoli with desquamation of pneumocytes and hyaline-membrane formation • Capillary engorgement and capillary microthrombosis, thromboemboli in bronchial arterioles • Hemorrhagic necrosis lymphocyte depletion in lymph nodes and spleen • Viral RNA detected in type II alveolar cells, interstitial cells and bronchiolar epithelial cells N/A N/A Key study findings and message • 23.2% ICU admission, at day 6 (mean) • 13.8% mechanical ventilation rate • 3.6% crude mortality rate • ICU patients more likely to be of older age (P = 0.009) Severe immunological damage to lung tissue causes clinical features • Fever most common and earliest symptom • 23% mechanical ventilation rate • 83.33% of patients with GGO developed ARDS • 20% mechanical ventilation • 17% ICU admission • Recurrence of fever (univariate) and age (multivariate) risk factors for ARDS and ICU admission MERS Study Assiri et al (2013)N = 47, confirmed casesRetrospective study Arabi et al (2014)N = 12, (11 confirmed cases, 1 probable)Case series Al-Abdley et al (2019)N = 33, confirmed casesRetrospective study Almekhlafi et al (2016)N = 31, confirmed casesRetrospective study Clinical features • Preexisting chronic lung disease (26%) • Smokers (23%) • Fever (98%) • Cough (83%) • Dry (47%) • Productive (36%) • Dyspnea (72%) • Sore throat (21%) • Rhinorrhea (4%) • Preexisting chronic lung disease (8%) • Dyspnea (92%) • Cough (83%) • Fever (67%) • Wheezing (17%) • Productive cough (17%) • Rhinorrhea (8%) • Hemoptysis (8%) • Sore throat (8%) • Preexisting chronic lung disease (12%) • Fever (75.7%) • Cough (72%) • Dyspnea (59%) • Sore throat (12%) Rhinorrhea (9%) • Cough (100%) • Tachypnea (100%) • Fever (87.1%) • Sore throat (25.8%) • Crackles (93.5 %) Rhonchi (32.3 %) Key findings on investigations CXR abnormality (100%) – ARDS pattern CXR, CT: lobular to bilateral extensive ARDS pattern N/A CXR abnormality (96.4%) Key study findings and message • 89% ICU admission • 72% mechanical ventilation • 60% case fatality rate 100% invasive mechanical ventilation, mean duration 100 days • Dyspnea before admission was associated with a more severe outcome (P < 0.001) Prolonged MERS-CoV detection in URT in diabetics (P = 0.049) • 87.1 % invasive mechanical ventilation (87.1%) • 74.2% overall ICU mortality rate • Mortality in ICU associated with older age, severe disease and organ failure. COVID-19 Study Huang et al (2020)N = 41, confirmed casesRetrospective study Wang et al (2020)N = 138, confirmed casesRetrospective study Guan et al (2020)N = 1099, confirmed casesRetrospective study Zhang et al (2020)N = 1, confirmed casesClinicopathologic study Clinical features • Smoker (7%) • Preexisting COPD (2%) • Fever 98% • Dry cough (76%) • Dyspnea (55%), mean 8 days after onset • Sputum (28%) • Hemoptysis (5%) • ARDS (29%), mean 9 days after onset • ↑RR >24/min (29%) • Preexisting COPD (2.9%) • Fever 98.6% • Dry cough (59.4) • Sputum (26.8%) • Dyspnea, mean 5 days after onset • ARDS (19.6%), mean 8 days after onset • Preexisting chronic pulmonary disease (1.1%) • Fever (43.8% on admission, 88.7% during hospitalization) • Cough (67.8%) • Sputum (33.7%) • Sore throat (13.9%) • Nasal congestion (4.8%) • Hemoptysis (0.9%) • ARDS (3.4%) • 1.4% case fatality rate • 4 days median incubation period • Fever • Cough • ARDS requiring mechanical ventilation within 1 week Key findings on investigations Abnormal chest CT (100%); (98% bilateral) • ↓PaO2 • ↓PaO2:FiO2 • Abnormal CXR (59.1%) • Abnormal Chest CT (86.2%) • Ground glass opacity most common (56.4%) • No lung imaging findings in 17.9% patients with nonsevere disease and in 2.9% with severe disease CT: Patchy bilateral ground glass opacities Histopathology N/A N/A N/A • Diffuse alveolar damage with organizing changes of fibrous plugs, with interstitial fibrosis and chronic inflammatory infiltrates • Denuded alveolar lining with pneumocyte type II hyperplasia • Virus detected on alveolar epithelial cells including desquamated cells, not in blood vessels Key study findings and message • ICU patients had more areas of consolidation • 10% mechanical ventilation rate, mean 10.5 days after onset • 5% ECMO rate • High-flow O2 therapy in 11.1% ICU patients, noninvasive ventilation in 41.7%, and invasive ventilation in 47.2% • Older patients (P < 0.001), patients with more comorbidities, dyspnea and anorexia more likely to require ICU care • Mortality: 4.3% • Mechanical ventilation needed (6.1%) • Radiographic abnormalities often absent Histopathologic findings consistent with diffuse alveolar damage ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; CXR, chest x-ray; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; GGO, ground glass opacities; ICU, intensive care unit; MERS-CoV, middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus; RR, respiratory rate; SARS-COV, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus; URT, upper respiratory tract.