3 Hydroxychloroquine When the above described concepts are applied to hydroxychloroquine, the expected accumulation ratio in lysosomes compared with cytosol is calculated as 56 000-fold; therefore, after drug intake a large fraction of the dose will reside in lysosomes. This is confirmed by the known pharmacokinetic parameters for hydroxychloroquine derived from plasma concentrations. After intravenous administration to healthy volunteers (average weight 63.5 kg), the volume of distribution of hydroxychloroquine was reported to be over 44 000 L, which is equivalent to approximately 700 L/kg [9]. This means that most of the drug in the body resides in the tissues, which is consistent with the predicted extraordinarily high lysosomal accumulation ratio. Furthermore, it explains the very long half-life (approximately 40 days) reported in the same study. In this study, hydroxychloroquine could still be detected in blood more than 6 months after a single dose administration of 310 mg.