Supportive therapy (symptomatic therapy, rehydration and oxygen supplementation, if necessary) should be provided as soon as the patient presents with respiratory or systemic symptoms including severe asthenia, high fever, persistent cough and/or clinical or radiologic signs of lung involvement. Pending further evidence, in our opinion, antiviral treatments should not be initiated in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection outside RCT or compassionate-use programmes (with the exception of early oseltamivir initiation in patients with suspected concomitant influenza). Corticosteroids should be initiated early in well-defined categories of patients (patients with ARDS or with worsening of non-ARDS respiratory failure in the absence of bacterial/fungal superinfections), while their role in other COVID-19 patients still remains uncertain. Although based on low-level evidence and pending RCT results, in our opinion, early hydroxychloroquine administration may be considered in COVID-19 patients who have moderate to severe symptoms, whereas further data are needed to better delineate the true balance between possible favourable effects and toxicity of hydroxychloroquine in mildly symptomatic and asymptomatic patients.