Table 2 Probable antigenic epitopes and MHC I Allele interaction based on NETMHC 4.0 server and VaxiJen 2.0 scores (≥1.0) for antigenicity prediction. (* - sign is used for no interaction any HLA Allele under consideration). NCBI-GenBank ID MHC I Allele POS Core peptide 1-LOG50K Affinity(nM) Vaxijen score Antigenicity QHD43417.1 HLA-A*68:01 7 FTIGTVTLK 0.853 4.9 2.0317 ANTIGEN HLA-A*31:01 125 RLWLCWKCR 0.74 16.59 1.1604 ANTIGEN QHD43418.1 – – – – – – NO INTERACTION QHD43419.1 HLA-A*11:01 5 GTITVEELK 0.719 20.98 1.0976 ANTIGEN QHD43421.1 HLA-A*11:01 109 ITLCFTLKR 0.71 22.97 2.0208 ANTIGEN HLA-A*68:01 109 ITLCFTLKR 0.695 27.24 2.0208 ANTIGEN HLA-A*23:01 107 VFITLCFTL 0.621 60.42 1.2490 ANTIGEN QHD43423.2 – – – – – – NO INTERACTION