SEIRQ model, data and methodology SEIRQ model In this study, according to the characteristics of the COVID-19 transmission, the whole population at time t is divided into seven compartments which include the susceptible individuals S(t), exposed individuals E(t), infectious individuals I(t), removed individuals R(t), quarantined susceptible individuals S q(t), quarantined exposed individuals E q(t) and quarantined infectious individuals I q(t). The COVID-19 disease is transmitted from I(t) to S(t) with the incidence rate of β, and from E(t) to S(t) with the incidence rate of σβ, respectively. The susceptible individuals S(t) is partly quarantined with the rate of q 1(t). We assume that exposed individuals E(t) and quarantined exposed individuals E q(t) are transmitted to infectious individuals I(t) and quarantined infectious individuals I q(t) with the same transition rate of ν. The quarantined rates of exposed individuals E(t) and infectious individuals I(t) are q 1(t) and q 3. The death rate induced by the COVID-19 disease is α in both infectious individuals I(t) and quarantined infectious individuals I q(t) which removed to the removed individuals R(t) . γ(t) is the recovery rate of quarantined infected individuals I q(t) which is the mainly part of removed individuals R(t). Moreover, based on the population migration, we assume that the input population and output population have constant numbers. Susceptible individuals S(t), exposed individuals E(t) and infectious individuals I(t) have their respective input individuals of p 1(t)A(t), p 2(t)A(t) and p 3(t)A(t), and the parameters p i(t), i  = 1, 2, 3 are the rates of susceptible individuals, exposed individuals, infectious individuals in the total input number of A(t) from other provinces. The output population are B 1, B 2 and B 3 for the susceptible individuals S(t), exposed individuals E(t), infectious individuals I(t). The COVID-19 disease transmission and population migration are demonstrated by Fig. 1 in details. Figure 1 Flowchart of COVID-19 SEIRQ epidemic model. The SEIRQ epidemic model can be described by the following system of ordinary differential equations(1) S′=p1(t)A(t)−βSI−σβSE−q1(t)S−B1,E′=p2(t)A(t)+βSI+σβSE−νE−q2(t)E−B2,I′=p3(t)A(t)+νE−q3I−αI−B3,R′=γ(t)Iq+αI+αIq,Sq′=q1(t)SEq′=q2(t)E−νEqIq′=q3I+νEq−γ(t)Iq−αIqwhere the prime (′) denotes the differentiation with respect to time t. Here, parameters 0 <  β, ν, γ(t), α  < 1 and the quarantined rates 0 ≤  q 1(t), q 2(t), q 3  ≤ 1. All the initial values of different individual groups: S(0), E(0), I(0), R(0), S q(0), E q(0), I q(0) are non-negative. Data In this study, the COVID-19 cases of Guangdong province, Hubei province and mainland China are obtained from the Health Commission of Guangdong Province (, the Health Commission of Hubei Province (, and the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China (, respectively. The data are from Jan 20, 2020 to present which include the number of the cumulative confirmed cases, the number of the confirmed cases, the number of the cumulative cured cases and the number of cumulative death cases. The numbers of the total population of Guangdong Province, Hubei Province and mainland China are employed at the end of 2018 from the National Bureau of Statistics ( The numbers of the input and output population from Hubei province and the other provinces of mainland China to Guangdong province are from the Baidu migration ( These data are covering the period of Jan 1, 2020 to Feb 20, 2020 which are employed to display the population migration variations from other provinces to Guangdong province. Because the input population from Hubei province to Guangdong province is significantly decreased from 26.86% of the total input population at Jan 26, 2020 to the 6.84% at Jan 27, 2020, for the Guangdong province, the starting date of the COVID-19 disease data is from Jan 27, 2020. Methodology In this study, for the COVID-19 variations, we focus on the cumulative confirmed cases and confirmed cases. The largest value of the cumulative confirmed cases means the total number of the population infected by the COVID-19 disease. The disease extinction time is defined as the day with no confirmed case which is the time of I q(t) = 0. The initial values and parameters can be obtained from the Text methodology of the supplementary information. The baseline parameters noted as (A, B, p 1, p 2, p 3, q 1, q 2, q 3, α, β, ν, σ, γ) = (A* , B  * , p 1  * , p 2  * , p 3  * , q 1  * , q 2  * , q 3  *, α* , β  * , ν  *, σ  * , γ  *) is obtained from the simulation result of the cumulative confirmed cases, the daily new confirmed cases, the confirmed cases and the recovered cases. To compare with the baseline results, three aspects from the perspectives of the input population and quarantine strategies on the COVID-19 variations are analyzed: (1) aspect 1, effects of the input population at different scenarios; (2) aspect 2, effects of quarantine rates at different scenarios and (3) aspect 3, effects of both input population and quarantine rates at different scenarios. To evaluate the accuracy of our model, five statistical indices are applied, including the absolute error (AE), relative error (RE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), determinant coefficient R  *  2 which is the square of correlation coefficient R* and distance between indices of simulation and observation (DISO) ([Hu et al., 2016], [Hu et al., 2019]). The details are displayed in Text methodology of the supplementary information.