For the population flow, recent study ([Tang et al., 2020a], [Tang et al., 2020b]) considered the data from the Baidu migration website in a stochastic discrete transmission dynamic model. Both our study and [Tang et al., 2020a], [Tang et al., 2020b] obtained the risk of the secondary outbreak when the population flow are changed at a serious input population flow. In [Tang et al., 2020a], [Tang et al., 2020b], with more data from the Health Commission of Shananxi Province, they estimated the daily new increased confirmed cases, and the daily new increased infectious individuals from the population flow by the Poisson distribution. In our study, constrained by the data policy of the Health Commission of Guangdong Province, the input population is defined as the deterministic and continuous input. Moreover, the ratio of the exposed individuals accounting for the input population is defined as the percentages of the exposed individuals in the total population of China excluding Guangdong and Hubei provinces which is derived from the daily new increased confirmed cases according to the 3–7 days latent periods.