For Sce 3: (p 2, A) = (1.5p 2  * , A  *) and Sce 6: (p 2, A) = (2p 2  * , A  *), the increased percentage of the exposed individuals only impacted the number of the cumulative confirmed cases with the values of 1422 and 1447, and the corresponding DDE have only small changes with 105 days for Sce 3 and 107 days for Sce 6 (Fig. 3A, STable 1). For the confirmed cases, they have the very similar variations as the baseline result in the peak value and the peak value time (Fig. 4A, STable 1). For the other three time points t 1  = 20, t 1  = 28 and t 1  = 38, the differences of the scenarios results are similar as the these of t 1  = 10. Moreover, for each scenario, the changes in the input population have the nearly same impacts on the disease variations among the four time points which display that the same input population strategies at different time points have no significant difference on the disease.