Discussion In this multi-center study, statistical analysis was performed in comparing imaging and clinical manifestations between pneumonia patients with and without COVID-19. Eighteen radiological semantic features and seventeen clinical features were identified to be significantly different between the two groups (p < 0.05). Three models for COVID-19 diagnosis were developed based on the refined features. The models were validated in the both primary and validation cohorts and achieved an AUC as high as 0.986. These models will play an essential role for early and easy-to-access diagnosis, especially when there are not enough RT-PCT kits or experimental platforms to test for the COVID-19 infection. A total of 1745 lesions were evaluated for the qualitative feature, location, and size in this study. Consistent with the previous studies, the ground-glass opacities and consolidation in the lung periphery were considered to be the imaging hallmark in patients with COVID-19 infection [11, 25]. However, when we subdivided the GGO into pure GGO and mixed GGO, we found that the distribution pattern is different between these two lesions. Pure GGO show differences between groups in every location of the lungs, whereas mixed GGO only have significant differences between groups in the lung periphery. Recent studies defined four stages of lung involvement in COVID-19 [26]. Therefore, a follow-up analysis of these distributions would be significant. The lesion size in patients with COVID-19 infection was another interesting observation. Most lesions were between 1 and 3 cm, with few lesions larger than half of the lung segment, which was similar to the finding in MERS_CoV [22]. Other features similar to MERS_CoV and SARS_CoV were observed in the laboratory abnormalities, such as lymphopenia, which may be associated with the cellular immune deficiency [3, 27]. However, our results showed no significant difference in lymphopenia between the COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients. To our knowledge, no diagnostic model based on imaging and clinical features alone has been proposed for the diagnosis of COVID-19. Our clinical and radiological semantic (CR) models consisted of the following features: total number of GGO with consolidation in the peripheral area, tree-in-bud, offending vessel augmentation in lesions, temperature, heart ratio, respiration, cough and fatigue, WBC count, and lymphocyte count category. The CR model outperformed the individual clinical and radiologic model. This result was in accordance with that in previous study in breast cancer, in which the model based on the combination of radiomics features and clinical features achieved a higher performance [24]. Compared with the radiomics-based model, the extraction of radiological semantic features can overcome the image discrepancy caused by different scanning parameters and/or different CT vendors. A previous study [28] also indicated that models based on semantic features determined by an experienced thoracic radiologist slightly outperformed models based on computed texture features alone. There are a few limitations in this study. First, the sample size is relatively small because this is a retrospective analysis of a new disease and most of the cases outside of Wuhan City are imported. Second, with the multi-center retrospective design, there is a potential bias of patient selection [29], since there may be some deviations in marking semantic features among readers, though we have taken the effort to reduce this by creating pictorial examples and setting feature criteria (Supplementary Materials). Third, longitudinal CT study was not performed. Whether or not this model can be used to evaluate the follow-ups and help to guide therapy remains an open question to be further explored. Moreover, the rich high-order features of the CT image combined with radiomics or deep learning have not been studied, which may be another way to identify the patients with COVID-19. Besides, one can also focus on the role of radiological features in disease monitoring, treatment evaluation, and prognosis prediction. In conclusion, 1745 lesions and 67 features were compared between pneumonia patients with and without COVID-19. Thirty-five features were significantly different between the two groups. A diagnostic model with AUC as high as 0.986 was developed and validated both in the primary and in the validation cohorts, which may help improve the COVID-19 diagnosis.