Clinical and radiological feature selection Of the features, 18 radiological features and 17 clinical features were selected to form the predictors based on the result from Tables 1 and 2. Table 3 lists the features selected by univariate analysis and LASSO. Table 3 Selected features in C, R, and CR models Model and individual features Coefficients R, n = 8 (41)*   Intercept − 0.307   Total number of mixed GGO in peripheral area 0.359   Total number of consolidation − 1.262   Total number of solid nodules with ground-glass opacities 0.452   Interlobular septal thickening − 5.559   Crazy paving pattern 3.566   Tree-in-bud − 2.548   Pleural thickening 3.265   Offending vessel augmentation in lesions 5.504 C, n = 7 (26)*   Intercept 29.273   Respiration − 0.359   Heart rate − 0.054   Temperature − 0.289   White blood cell count − 0.175   Cough − 1.866   Fatigue 2.855   Lymphocyte count category − 0.028 CR, n = 10 (67)*   Intercept 45.117   Total number of mixed GGO in peripheral area 0.108   Tree-in-bud − 1.853   Offending vessel augmentation in lesions 6.000   Respiration − 0.583   Heart ratio − 0.084   Temperature − 0.536   White blood cell count − 0.471   Cough − 0.997   Fatigue − 0.228   Lymphocyte count category − 2.177 C, R, and CR indicate the predicted model based on clinical features, radiological features, and the combination of clinical features and clinical radiological features, respectively *n means corresponding selected features, and data in parentheses are total features. Coefficients: the estimate value of each feature in multivariate logistic regression model by “glm” package in R