The differences between patients with and without COVID-19 for all 67 features (41 imaging and 26 critical clinical features) are shown in Tables 1 and 2 and the Supplementary Materials (Tables E3 and E4). The differences between the primary cohort and validation cohort for the same features are shown in the Supplementary Materials (Tables E5 and E6). All characteristics except fatigue and white blood cell count in the CR model presented no significant difference between the primary and validation cohorts. A total of 1745 lesions were identified, with 1062 from the COVID-19 group and 683 from the non-COVID-19 group. Table 1 Radiological semantic features of patients in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 Feature Non-COVID-19 (n = 66) COVID-19 (n = 70) p value Number of pure GGO   Total# 1.00 (0.00, 5.05) 3.50 (0.95, 8.05) 0.018b*   Peripheral area# 1.00 (0.00, 4.05) 2.00 (0.00, 6.05) 0.032b*   Central/both peripheral and central area# 0.00 (0.00, 0.00) 0.00 (0.00, 2.00) 0.001b* Number of mixed GGO   Total# 1.00 (0.00, 3.05) 3.00 (1.00, 9.00) 0.001b*   Peripheral area# 0.00 (0.00, 2.00) 2.50 (1.00, 6.00) < 0.001b*   Central/both peripheral and central area# 0.00 (0.00, 1.05) 0.00 (0.00, 2.00) 0.657b Total number of consolidation   Consolidation# 1.00 (0.00, 3.00) 0.00 (0.00, 0.05) 0.001b*   Pure solid nodules# 0.00 (0.00, 0.00) 0.00 (0.00, 0.00) 0.309b   Solid nodules with GGO# 0.00 (0.00, 0.00) 0.00 (0.00, 1.00) 0.033b* Total number of lesions   Peripheral area# 5.00 (2.00, 9.05) 7.00 (2.00, 13.00) 0.112b   Central area# 0.00 (0.00, 3.00) 0.00 (0.00, 1.05) 0.960b   Both peripheral and central area# 0.00 (0.00, 2.00) 0.00 (0.00, 2.05) 0.582b Interlobular septal thickening 0.009a*   Negative 44 (66.67%) 31 (44.29%)   Positive 22 (33.33%) 39 (55.71%) Crazy paving pattern < 0.001a*   Negative 60 (90.91%) 32 (45.71%)   Positive 6 (9.09%) 38 (54.29%) Tree-in-bud sign < 0.001a*   Negative 37 (56.06%) 61 (87.14%)   Positive 29 (43.94%) 9 (12.86%) Pleural thickening 0.030a*   Negative 46 (69.70%) 36 (51.43%)   Positive 20 (30.30%) 34 (48.57%) Offending vessel augmentation in lesions < 0.001a*   Negative 55 (83.33%) 17 (24.29%)   Positive 11 (16.67%) 53 (75.71%) GGO ground-glass opacities #Results are median with interquartile range in parentheses, and the remainder results are measurements with corresponding ratio in parentheses *Data with statistical significance. pa: chi-square test, pb: Student’s t test Table 2 Clinical features of patients in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 Feature Non-COVID-19 (n = 66) COVID-19 (n = 70) p value Sex   Male# 43 (65.15%) 41 (58.57%) 0.430a   Female# 23 (34.85%) 29 (41.43%)   Age (years) 46.73 ± 25.00 42.93 ± 13.32 0.275b Vital signs   Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 126.92 ± 23.07 127.07 ± 15.16 0.965b   Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 77.74 ± 15.72 80.39 ± 10.51 0.254b   Respiration rate (bpm) 25.20 ± 7.29 19.86 ± 1.90 < 0.001b*   Heart rate (bpm) 101.59 ± 20.36 86.06 ± 13.34 < 0.001b*   Temperature (°C) 37.61 ± 1.06 37.12 ± 0.83 0.003b* Signs   Dry cough# 56 (84.85%) 48 (68.57%) 0.025a*   Fatigue# 8 (12.12%) 22 (31.43%) 0.007a*   Sore throat# 6 (9.09%) 9 (12.86%) 0.483a   Stuffy# 4 (6.06%) 2 (2.86%) 0.623a   Runny nose# 3 (4.55%) 3 (4.29%) 0.731a White blood cell count (× 109/L) 11.48 ± 5.36 5.27 ± 2.33 < 0.001b* White blood cell count category < 0.001c*   Low# 0 (0.00%) 2 (2.86%)   Normal# 27 (40.91%) 63 (90.00%)   High# 39 (59.09%) 5 (7.14%) Lymphocyte count (× 109/L) 1.57 ± 1.33 1.25 ± 0.68 0.086b Lymphocyte count category < 0.001c*   Low# 24 (36.36%) 32 (45.71%)   Normal# 35 (53.03%) 37 (52.86%)   High# 7 (10.61%) 1 (1.43%) Neutrophil count (× 109/L) 8.97 ± 4.90 3.53 ± 2.17 < 0.001b* Neutrophil count category < 0.001c*   Low# 3 (4.55%) 8 (11.43%)   Normal# 23 (34.85%) 59 (84.29%)   High# 40 (60.61%) 3 (4.29%) C-reactive protein (mg/L) 69.30 ± 65.88 26.37 ± 30.97 < 0.001b* Procalcitonin (ng/mL) 3.36 ± 8.98 0.26 ± 0.84 0.007b* *Data with statistical significance. pa: chi-square test, pb: Student’s t test. pc: Kruskal-Wallis H test #Results are measurements with corresponding ratio in parentheses