Requirements for working environment [7] An independent medical imaging examination room is needed and different working areas should be strictly separated.I. To prevent cross-infection, an independent medical imaging examination area or a dedicated radiological examination equipment (including X-ray photography equipment and CT scanner for infected patients) as well as a dedicated film printer should be available. According to the requirements for nosocomial infection prevention and control, the polluted area, semi-polluted area, and cleaning area need to be strictly separated and disinfected. If a dedicated examination room (such as a CT room) cannot be separated from others, strict equipment and air disinfection are required after the current patient scan and between patient encounters. Fever clinics, radiological contaminated and semi-contaminated areas, and isolation wards are the key areas for healthcare-associated infections prevention and control, which must be terminally disinfected after the examinations for confirmed patients and before the examinations for next suspected patients. II. A dedicated radiological examinations route must be established. III. Batch-based and time-separated services should be carried out for confirmed patients and suspected patients in fever clinic and ward, with a subsequent strict disinfection.