In January and February, the worldwide focus of attention was China where cases and fatalities increased day by day. Just 30 days after ProMed’s post, on 29 January, 6,065 confirmed COVID-19 cases had been notified worldwide, mainly from China, where all 1,239 severe cases and 132 COVID-19 deaths were reported. At that point, only 68 cases had been identified in 15 countries outside mainland China, all of which had a link to China or to cases from China [3] (Figure). By 28 February, 30 days later, 83,652 confirmed COVID-19 cases had been reported from 51 countries on all continents. Countries outside mainland China still accounted for only 4.5% (n = 3,664) of the notified cases with some, including Italy, Germany, and France in Europe, already experiencing limited autochthonous transmission. From late February, new infections in China declined rapidly after the implementation of sweeping social distancing measures, while attention turned to Europe, the new epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic. Italy was initially the country hit the hardest by far, Spain, the Netherlands and others followed; France and Germany had experienced the first importation of cases already in January [4,5]. On 10 March, Italy passed the mark of 10,000 confirmed cases and on 19 March, the total number of fatalities in Italy exceeded 3,000, topping the total number of reported fatalities in China. Cases with a link to Italy and neighbouring regions of Austria were detected in a number of European countries in February and early March, often linked to tourists returning from skiing holidays [6]. Outside Europe, Iran faced a rapid surge of COVID-19 followed by exportation of cases mostly to countries in the Middle East but also overseas [7]. More recently, the United States in North America, and in Europe the United Kingdom emerged as new epidemic hotspots with 124,655 cases plus 2,191 fatalities and 17,089 cases plus 1,019 fatalities, respectively, reported by 29 March, day 90 after the ProMed post [3]. Recently, increasing case numbers have also been seen in Africa and in Asian countries outside China that had not been affected early in the pandemic. On 8 April, day 100 after ProMed’s ‘request for information’, 1,391,890 cases including 81,478 fatalities have been reported from more than 200 countries/territories worldwide and only few countries appear to have passed the peak.