In this scenario of a broad global spread of the COVID-19, modelling says that economic growth will be halved in 20207 . Despite this being bad news for world affairs, it may actually be a panacea for Gaia. It might also be true, as analysts recently suggested, that decreased travelling, consumption, and energy demand will limit money and political will from climate efforts. Then, carbon emissions are likely to rise again as soon as the economy restarts its foolish growth. Projections, however, do not take into account a life lesson we are all learning these days: we cannot stop traveling, reproducing, consuming. But we have to do it sustainably and ethically. The economy, as well as our population, cannot continue growing indefinitely in a sustainable and ethical way. The myth of sustainable development, greenwashed by the green economy and certification labels, cannot persist in a planet threatened by only one species, which created the condition for its own extinction. We can only sustainably de-grow, creating an open space only for qualitative growth.