It is not a coincidence that the likely origin of this coronavirus is in the human-animal relations that occurred in China (Poon and Peiris 2020). Although it is not clear yet if either the interaction with seafood, bats or bushmeat played a role in the emergence of this virus, most agree that it crossed from animals to human beings. As for many other infective diseases such as HIV, which was likely transmitted by chimp meat consumption (Hahan et al. 2000), malaria and dengue fever, which are very sensitive to deforestation and climate change (Yasuoka and Levins 2007; Colon-Gonzalex et al. 2013), meningitis, which can spread out after prolonged drought (Molesworth 2003), etc., the overexploitation of habitats and the huge impact we have on wildlife facilitates the sudden appearance of new dangerous sicknesses.