Fig. 3 Typical CT findings of COVID-19. Chest CT (a) in a 75-year-old male show multiple patchy areas of pure ground glass opacity (GGO) and GGO with reticular and/or interlobular septal thickening [25]. Chest CT image of a 38-year-old male (b) shows multiple patches, grid-like lobule, and thickening of interlobular septa, typical “paving stone-like” signs [19]. An axial CT image obtained in 65-year-old female (c) shows bilateral ground glass and consolidative opacities with a striking peripheral distribution [23]. CT image of a 65-year-old male (d) shows large consolidation in the right middle lobe, patchy consolidation in the posterior and basal segment of right lower lobe, with air bronchogram inside [19]