As of this writing, Turkey has not reported any COVID-19 infections. The government has closed its border with Iran, introduced health checks from Iran, and are turning back travelers. Yet travel from Turkey to Iran continues. Turkey is strategic in its geographic position. It is bordered by eight countries, is the intersection point of Asia, Europe, and Africa, making it one of the most strategic countries in the world. With its geopolitical position, Turkey is a unique bridge between eastern and western civilizations and between all religions.57,58 I bring up Turkey because that nation also has one of the most autocratic regimes in the world, which has mastered control over the population and media. The government has a pattern of undercutting criticʼs claims, accusing the opposition of having ulterior motives, and systematically undercutting the independence of the rule of law.57 Recep Tayyip Erdoganʼs one-man rule–control all executive, legislative, and judicial functions by imprisoning critical journalists and destroying what was left of the free media. He has arrested teachers, police, and government workers.