Characteristic Patient with NCP (n = 88) Age (years)a 42.7 ± 14.5 Age group (years)   < 15 2 (2.3)   15–44 48 (54.5)   45–64 28 (31.8)   ≥ 65 10 (11.4) Male sex 51 (58.0) Exposure history   Recent travel to Wuhan 45 (51.1)   Contact with infected patient 30 (34.1)   Unknown exposure 13 (14.8) Initial symptoms   Fever 74 (84.1)   Cough 50 (56.8)   Expectoration 19 (21.6)   Fatigue 15 (17.0)   Chest distress and/or shortness of breath 12 (13.6)   Pharyngalgia 10 (11.4)   Muscle soreness 7 (8.0)   Headache 5 (5.7)   Nausea and/or vomiting 0 (0)   Diarrhea 0 (0)   No obvious symptoms 3 (3.4) Laboratory testing at initial hospital visitb   White blood cell count (–, ↑, ↓) 62 (70.5), 4 (4.5), 22 (25.0)   Lymphocyte count (–, ↑, ↓) 62 (71.3), 2 (2.3), 23 (26.4)   Percent lymphocytes (–, ↑, ↓) 55 (62.5), 7 (8.0), 26 (29.5)   Percent neutrophilic granulocyte (–, ↑, ↓) 59 (67.1), 17 (19.3), 12 (13.6)   Percent monocytes (–, ↑, ↓) 59 (67.1), 26 (29.5), 3 (3.4)   Hemoglobin (–, ↑, ↓) 68 (77.3), 8 (9.1), 12 (13.6)   ALT (–, ↑, ↓) 70 (79.5), 16 (18.2), 2 (2.3)   AST (–, ↑, ↓) 73 (83.0), 15 (17.0), 0 (0)   Creatine kinase (–, ↑, ↓) 73 (84.9), 4 (4.6), 9 (10.5)   C-reactive protein (–, ↑, ↓) 36 (45.0), 44 (55.0), 0 (0)