Besides providing complementary responses for verification of binding events (Johnson and Mutharasan, 2012, 2013a), hybrid biosensors for pathogen detection can also generate fluid and particle mixing at the electrode-electrolyte interface and in the bulk solution via acoustic streaming or primary radiation effects of mechanical transducers (Cesewski et al. 2018). Thus, secondary transducers can apply force to bound species, such as nonspecifically adsorbed background species or captured target species. For example, various studies have reported the removal of surface-bound biomolecules using mechanical transducers, such as shear-mode resonators or cantilever biosensors (Johnson and Mutharasan, 2014; Yeh et al. 2007). While the impediment or removal of nonspecifically adsorbed background species is a vital biosensor characteristic in pathogen detection applications that involve complex matrices, the regeneration of biosensor surfaces that contain specifically bound target species is essential for applications involving high-throughput characterization or process monitoring (e.g., bioprocesses or biomanufacturing processes) (Goode et al. 2015). Hybrid designs may also be useful for electrodes that exhibit a high extent of biofouling.