Bioanalytical techniques utilize a selective biorecognition element, often called a molecular probe, in combination with an analytical system, such as a plate reader or PCR analyzer, to quantify one or more components of a sample. While capable of being highly sensitive and robust, they are destructive testing methods and require the addition of reagents to the sample and extensive sample preparation steps, which increase the time-to-results (TTR). Bioanalytical techniques, such as PCR, may also encounter inhibition effects caused by background species in the sample (Justino et al. 2017; Scognamiglio et al. 2016; Sin et al. 2014), which introduce measurement bias and increase measurement uncertainty (Clark et al. 2016; Silverman et al. 2019). Considering such limitations of traditional plate-based bioanalytical techniques and the need for real-time continuous monitoring capabilities among various applications, there is a need to examine alternative bioanalytical techniques.