The ability to quantify the level of pathogens on the surfaces of objects (e.g., skin, food, and medical equipment) remains a present challenge in the biosensing field. Wearable biomedical devices have emerged as promising tools for point-of-care (POC) diagnostics and health monitoring. The application constraints of wearable devices require them to be lightweight and simple to operate. Wearable devices can provide continuous monitoring of body fluids, such as blood and sweat, allowing patients to obtain real-time bioanalytical information without the inconvenience of facility-based screening. To date, biosensors have been incorporated into a variety of wearable devices, including contact lenses, clothing, bandages, rings, and tattoos (Bandodkar and Wang, 2014). This is a rapidly emerging area linked to smartphone technology for biosensor actuation and monitoring. The rise of flexible electronics has also contributed to the success of incorporating electrochemical biosensors into flexible textiles, which has enhanced their wearability (Rim et al. 2016). Although most wearable electrochemical biosensors are used to detect small molecules, such as lactate, glucose, or electrolytes, there is increasing interest in their application to pathogen detection. Challenges include biocompatibility (e.g., reduction of skin irritation), device power consumption, and biosensor-tissue mechanical and geometric matching. Because of the small sample size of body fluid secretions and the need to transport the sample to the electrode surface, microfluidic formats are now emerging for wearable bioanalytical systems (Singh et al. 2017a).