3 Measures we have taken in forensic practice 3.1 Thorough investigation of the history of victims Thorough investigation before any death scene investigation and body examination is very helpful to determine whether the cause of death has a connection with COVID-19 or not, in order to take proper protections including personal protective equipment. Relevant information such as medical history, travel history in an outbreak area or the contact history with any potentially infected persons and medical records should be obtained from the hospital, family members, witnesses, and morgue personnel. During the outbreak response, all death investigations should follow the strictest protective measures for dealing with infected cases at the scene and in the morgue. If we are involved in a death scene with confirmed infected cases, it is better for us to be isolated and under medical observation. 3.2 Protection measures for the death scene and autopsy Forensic practitioners should wear one-piece protective clothing, N95 mask, protective goggles face shield, protective shoe covers, and at least two layers of medical latex gloves; they should also be aware of the proper order of putting on and taking off protective equipment [[11], [12]]. Autopsies should be performed in a special autopsy laboratory in strict accordance with a process of three areas and two buffer zones, which consist of:1. Clean area, 2. One first-level buffer zone, 3. Semi-contaminated areas, 4. A second level buffer zone and 5. Contaminated area. Examiners should wear protective equipment in the clean area before entering the semi-contaminated area and organize autopsy instruments in the semi-contaminated areas before entering the contaminated area for autopsy. After the autopsy, the protective clothing and gloves require disinfecting first in the contaminated area of the autopsy laboratory, and the protective clothing, mask, shoe covers, gloves, and other equipment surfaces require thoroughly disinfecting in the semi-contaminated area a second time before removing. All must be sent for bio-safety disposal immediately. The contaminated area must maintain a sufficient negative pressure, sufficient filtering conditions for air emission and sewage discharge [11]. Furthermore, the procedure of pathological examination and sample transfer should strictly follow the procedure of sealing after sample extraction. The pathology laboratory should be held to standard negative pressure operating conditions.