Darwish, 2013 [37] C57BL/6 mice aged 7–10 weeks, i.n. infection, influenza A/PuertoRico/8/34 (mouse- adapted H1N1) or influenza A/Mexico/410 8/2009 (swine-origin pandemic H1N1) Mouse BM-MSCs (P6–P9) or human BM- MSCs (P3), 2.5×105 or 5×105 cells·mouse−1, i.v. (tail vein), single dose, days −2, 0, 2 or 5 post infection Day 7 or when euthanasia criteria were met Oseltamivir 2.5 mg·kg−1, oral gavage, once daily for 5 days Prophylactic and therapeutic syngeneic and xenogeneic administration of MSCs failed to improve survival, failed to affect weight loss, and failed to decrease lung parenchyma inflammation and BALF cell counts Nonspecified (soluble mediators) No