Future steps, which will result in a device for early-stage detection of, for example, zoonoses, include studies on the optimization of this device for sequence specific DNA amplifications (e.g., primer design and reaction optimization), i.e., HDA or LAMP. HDA utilizes DNA helicase (an enzyme also used in vitro during DNA replication) to separate the dsDNA instead of thermal denaturation. After separation, ssDNA binding proteins hybridize on the ssDNA strands for stabilization, ensuring that the next primer will have time to bind to the ssDNA stripe and a DNA polymerase will extend the primers with the complementary bases. This method is a truly isothermal technique in which the separation of the dsDNA can be performed at the same temperature as the amplification reaction, i.e., 64 °C [9]. LAMP is more similar to MDA in the way it also uses heat to denature the dsDNA. After denaturation, a set of four primers (six can be used as well to achieve better selectivity) and a DNA polymerase is used at isothermal conditions (65 °C) to amplify the DNA [11]. When used in combination with reverse transcriptase, LAMP becomes a RNA amplification method, which could be used for RNA-containing viruses [11], like virus-based zoonoses diseases as the corona viruses [22]. Despite not being a truly isothermal technique, LAMP offers the possibility to use turbidity as detection method [76]. Such a detection method would simplify the required equipment even further as a decrease in transmitted light through the chip can be used as detection method.