Quarantine is a traditional but very effective measure to counter a deadly epidemic, but quarantine protocols can be hard to enforce. The local government in Wuhan announced the suspension of public transportation, with closure of airports, railway stations, and highways in the city, to prevent further disease transmission on January 23, 2020. Subsequently, the Chinese government imposed travel bans on several Chinese cities near Wuhan. At the same time, the Chinese government extended the Lunar New Year holidays and postponed the reopening of schools and factories to keep the nationwide migration of the population to a minimum. Travelers from Wuhan and other epidemic areas were advised to report their travel history and to self-quarantine for two weeks to prevent community transmission. In addition, most local governments required that all passengers must wear medical surgical masks or N95 masks when accessing public places, taxis or subways. Temperature screening checkpoints have been set up at subway stations, railway stations, high-speed rail exits and airports to screen passengers in an effort to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.