3.3.1 Efficacy of the different vaccines against QX-like IBV challenge in SPF chickens The rH120-S1/YZ group exhibited effective protection against challenge with the QX-like strain rIBYZ. The mortality rate in the rH120-S1/YZ group was 0%, and no clinical signs or lesions were observed during the rIBYZ challenge period (Fig. 7 A). In contrast, chickens vaccinated with the rH120 strain began to exhibit clinical signs (e.g., coughing and nasal discharge) at 3 days post-challenge (dpc), and some chickens showed severe signs of listlessness, huddling, and ruffled feathers, with the mortality rate reaching 50% during the observation period. At necropsy, the dead animals displayed typical kidney lesions characterized by swelling and urate deposition in the tubules and ureters. In contrast to chickens vaccinated with rH120-S1/YZ, the chickens in the unvaccinated control group exhibited clinical signs at 3 dpc, and a 60% mortality rate; the gross lesions of the dead birds in this group were similar to that of the rH120 group (Fig. 7B). Fig. 7 Efficacy of the rH120 and rH120-S1/YZ vaccines. (A) Percent survival of the vaccinated chickens challenged with the QX-like IBV rIBYZ strain during the 14-day observation period. No mortality was observed in the chickens vaccinated with the rH120-S1/YZ strain. (B) Gross lesions observed on the kidneys of the vaccinated chickens challenged with the rIBYZ strain at 5 or 7 dpc. (C) The mean antibody OD value at 7, 14, 21, and 28 dpv. All data are presented as the mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM).