Of particular concern, our observations found that all the children were diagnosed after their families, which indicated that they were infected by the household contact. However, after an epidemiological investigation, we found that six adults (42.9%) had a definite or suspicious contact history and six families (42.9%) contacted them were infected, while the other two patients (14.3%) denied any epidemiological history. Among them, the father of case 9 did not contact anyone who came back from Wuhan or Hubei, but also denied contact with any person with respiratory symptoms. At the same time, through official investigations, they did not find that someone was diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection on the vehicle he was travelling on, prompting the virus to spread. In addition, from the official information, more and more patients can’t find the clue of infection and more and more cluster outbreak showed that no contact, no close communication and even never go out the door. So, we think that these phenomena maybe suggest that: (1) the virus spreads very strongly and the transmission of the virus may not be limited to contact, droplets and airborne transmission, and aerosol transmission may also exist, which was similar to SARS [11]. (2) the virus may be carried asymptomatically after infecting the human body but can infect other people.