A 61-year-old woman living in Wuhan complained of back pain and dry cough over a week. Laboratory testing revealed a mild leucopenia (WBC 3.47 × 109/L). Chest CT identified an 8-mm light shadow in the right upper lung lobe and a 9-mm solid nodule in the left lower lung lobe, which initially led to a suspicion of malignancy. A week thereafter, 18F-FDG PET/CT revealed multiple peripheral FDG-avid GGOs (SUVmax range 3.7–12.2) in the right lung (Fig. 3a, b, arrows). Multiple FDG-positive lymph nodes were also identified in the mediastinum and the right subclavian region (SUVmax range 3.4–5.4; Fig. 3c, arrows). We did not perform SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid testing. An 18-day treatment with antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs led to symptom improvement. Fig. 3 Multiple peripheral FDG-avid GGOs in the right lung and multiple FDG-positive nodes in the mediastinum and the right subclavian region